Daily Devotional for October 16, 2015
Jeremiah 4
1 “If you will return, O Israel, return to me,” declares the LORD. “If you put your detestable idols out of my sight and no longer go astray,
2 and if in a truthful, just and righteous way you swear, ‘As surely as the LORD lives,’ then the nations will be blessed by him and in him they will glory.”
The Book of Jeremiah is full of difficult messages for the children of God. As we have seen throughout our reading this year, God’s people continue to turn away from Him. Even in the midst of impending judgment, God is offering second chances. God’s grace is incredible and far beyond our comprehension. There is no doubt that God is the God of second chances.
Second chances don’t always come easily for men. It is often difficult to offer second chances to others. Inversely, it often difficult to accept second chances offered to us. Men sometimes find it hard to forgive themselves for the mistakes they make. Be encouraged by the Book of Jeremiah. While there are definitely consequences for sin, God’s grace is greater than our minds can fully comprehend. The most important thing to God is a relationship with you. If sin and mistakes seem to be standing in the way of that relationship, trust me, God has a second chance waiting for you.
- Personal Application: Sometimes we just need a second chance. I hope you know how much God loves you. If you will return to Him and fully devote your life to Him, God will give you the second chance you are looking for.
- Family Devotional: Read this chapter to your family. Remind them that God’s grace is real and is available to them. In the midst of mistakes and sin, we can always turn to God for a second chance. Pray for them.
- Personal Prayer Focus: Ask God for the ability to offer and accept second chances.
- Family Prayer Focus: Pray that your family will understand the depth of God’s grace and will overcome any mistakes through the help and direction of the Holy Spirit.
Three Year Reading Plan for Sunday, October 11 – Sunday, October 18:
- Sunday, October 11: Colossians 4
- Monday, October 12: Philemon
- Tuesday, October 13: Jeremiah 1
- Wednesday, October 14: Jeremiah 2
- Thursday, October 15: Jeremiah 3
- Friday, October 16: Jeremiah 4
- Saturday, October 17: Jeremiah 5
- Sunday, October 18: Jeremiah 6
—TOM GROOT is National Director of Men’s Ministry and Christian Education. Connect with Tom on Facebook or Twitter @TomGrootJr.
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