2 Chronicles 20
13 All the men of Judah, with their wives and children and little ones, stood there before the LORD.
14 Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jahaziel son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a Levite and descendant of Asaph, as he stood in the assembly.
15 He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.
What an awesome God we serve! King Jehoshaphat’s story from chapter 17-20 is an incredible testimony of God’s protection and deliverance. We have read over and over again how Jehoshaphat turned to the Lord and the Lord rescued him. Chapter 20 continues to illustrate this storyline while giving us a quotable verse as well, “for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” Oh, how sweet it must have been to hear that phrase coming from the Spirit of the Lord. How many times when we face struggles do we long to hear from the Lord that the battle is not ours?
As Spirit-Empowered Men, we must be careful to seek the Lord’s will for our lives and not merely the Lord’s protection. In my life, and yours I’m sure, God has used difficult circumstances to demonstrate His glory. There are times when God’s protection would have eliminated the opportunity for us to either learn an important lesson or to see God show up in a different way than we may have expected. That being said, as we seek God’s will for our lives we can learn from Jehoshaphat in this chapter. Here are a few action steps for us to consider when trials enter our life.
- “Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord” (vs. 3) As stated in other devotionals recently Jehoshaphat quickly turned to the Lord for help and guidance when trouble arose.
- “He proclaimed a fast for all Judah” (vs. 3) Not only did he recognize the significance of fasting in these moments but he challenged those around him to join in this discipline.
- “The people of Judah came together to seek help from the Lord” (vs. 4) Unity is a powerful force throughout scripture. When people come together for a common purpose, especially to seek the Lord, God often takes notice.
- “Jehoshaphat stood up in the assembly of the people” (vs. 5) Jehoshaphat led in corporate prayer, modeled for the people, and united their hearts in supplication to the Lord. Leaders lead and Jehoshaphat led!
On this discipleship journey we will inevitably face trials and troubles of many kinds. My hope is that we can learn from this incredible king the appropriate response to those trials and seek the Lord. Remember, the battle is not ours, but God’s! Let our prayer be that God’s will is fulfilled in our lives.
- Personal Application: Leaders lead! As seen in verse 5, Jehoshaphat let before the people. As Spirit-Empowered Men we too must lead our home in serving Jesus. This is a great example for us as we embark to lead our family in prayer and devotion to the Lord.
- Family Devotional: Read this passage to your family. Talk to them about the importance of fasting when we need to hear from the Lord. Fasting will deepen our focus and devotion to the Lord. If you or your family need the Lord in this season of life, encourage them to join you in a fast as you seek the Lord’s will for the situation. If not, I would schedule a period of fasting with them as you all are pursuing God’s will for your lives. Once the fast is scheduled with your family, pray for them.
- Personal Prayer Focus: Ask God for the ability to lead your family spiritually. Ask the Lord for the courage to model for them what it looks like to be a Spirit-Empowered Disciple.
- Family Prayer Focus: Pray that they will be open to join a public/corporate call to worship or fasting. Pray that each member of your family will join others in unity to seek the will of the Lord.
Three Year Reading Plan for Sunday, September 13 – Sunday, September 20:
- Sunday, September 13: 2 Chronicles 16
- Monday, September 14: 2 Chronicles 17
- Tuesday, September 15: 2 Chronicles 18
- Wednesday, September 16: 2 Chronicles 19
- Thursday, September 17: 2 Chronicles 20
- Friday, September 18: 2 Chronicles 21
- Saturday, September 19: 2 Chronicles 22
- Sunday, September 20: 2 Chronicles 23
—TOM GROOT is National Director of Men’s Ministry and Christian Education. Connect with Tom on Facebook or Twitter @TomGrootJr.
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